에밀리 보이드는 이글스 윙스 트래블의 여행 어드바이저입니다. 이스라엘과 여행에 대한 사랑과 하나님의 마음에 대한 열정으로 목회자, 지도자, 교인들을 이스라엘로 안내하여 누구나 일생에 한 번쯤은 꼭 가야 하는 일생일대의 놀라운 모험을 할 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다!
The Israel Christian Nexus is a new Eagles’ Wings network for pastors, fostering lasting connections to Israel. Stay connected, informed, and engaged.
Discover the Israel Christian NexusLearn about Jerusalem-centered Christianity and take a bold and educated stance for Israel.
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESSupport Eagles Wings’ proven impact projects locally, globally, and on the ground in Israel.
MINISTRIES & INITIATIVESThe Watchmen on the Wall program equips Christians worldwide for informed intercession and active support of Israel. Through learning, prayer pilgrimages, and commissioning, participants become passionate advocates for Israel.
더 알아보세요Join our Psalms Masterclass and embark on a transformative journey through the Psalms, exploring them from both Jewish and Christian perspectives. Gain deep insights and encounter the God of the Bible.
Start CourseKairos School of Ministry (KSOM) is an innovative leadership program for young adults, designed to inspire growth, equip for service, and send you out to make a global impact.
Join Us TodayYour urgent “I STAND WITH ISRAEL” gift RIGHT NOW will be a practical way to show your support and stand with the people of Israel.
FRONTLINES UPDATESYOU can do something right now to bless Israel. Our feeding centers in Jerusalem and Tiberias provide hot meals to hundreds every day.
아브라함의 빵Join Eagles’ Wings in planting 3,000 trees in our “Forest of Life” to restore Israel’s land!
나무 심기With over 20 years of experience, Eagles’ Wings Ministry Travel offers unforgettable pilgrimages to Israel, connecting you to the Bible’s land and God’s work in Israel today.
더 알아보세요Partnership with Eagles’ Wings is about more than just giving to an organization. It’s a commitment and a joining together in faith – being a part of something bigger than yourself.
파트너가 되십시오My Eagles’ Wings is your digital equipping platform that lets your faith journey be connected to Bishop Robert Stearns and the Holy Land of Israel.
EW PARTNER ONLINE LIBRARYMake a lasting impact through planned giving. By including Eagles’ Wings in your estate plans, you can help secure our mission for future generations.
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