
On the first Sunday of every October, hundreds of millions of people around the world join…

Through Eagles’ Wings Brazil in partnership with Dunamis and Zion Church Brasil, key millennial Brazilian leaders and pastors are being awakened and equipped with. . .

The EW Store features books, CDs, DVDs, Judaica and more to equip you in your spiritual journey. Featured…

Abraham’s Bread feeding centers in Jerusalem and Tiberias provide hot meals to hundreds every day who are living in poverty. Jews, Arabs…

Through the Israel Experience, an intensive study tour of Israel, the next generation of Christian leaders are being equipped to serve as…

The Watchmen on the Wall program consists of three parts: Our broad-based curriculum includes written materials…

With over 20 years of experience helping thousands of travelers make their pilgrimage to the Land of Israel, and our longstanding…

Eagles’ Wings has led short-term outreach trips to Honduras, England, Germany and thirty other countries. The trips have…

Celebrate Israel! is a Christian expression of friendship and support for Israel and the Jewish People. Celebrate Israel events..