Help build the purposes of God in Israel and the nations – for future generations
God is calling us to build and prepare for maximum impact for the next 100 years and beyond. Join Bishop Robert and an exclusive group of our closest partners, as together we invest in God’s enduring purposes through establishing the Hechler Legacy Society.
ヘクラ-・レガシー・ソサエティ チャーターメンバー
Robert and Nancy Bruch, Harry and Diana Burton, Sidney & Ruth Cohen, Amy Cummins, Amanda Faith, Kelly Fleming, Carol Fouchet, Earl and Barbara Galati, Joe and Cathy Green, Ken and Blanca Harris, Kay Harris, Dyanna Hoage, Stephen and Veronica Jenks, Daniel and Gladys Kolb, Jodie Kratz, Aaron Kuczmarski, Deborah Lester, Gary and Jeanne McCord, Margot Miller, Carol Moreau,
Richard and Debra O’Connor, John and Joyce Pack, Jamae Sippio, Robert Stearns, Mark Terpin, Ronald and Kris Westphal, Suzanne Wisotzke, Frank and Pamela Wrabel
Discover the Vision of the Hechler Legacy Society
The Situation
Across our churches today, the majority of people are not utilizing the benefits, security, and impact that come from
establishing a personal estate plan. Consider this:

We are linking with Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) to build a legacy of strengthening Israel and
advancing God’s Kingdom, that will endure into the next century and beyond.
The Life and Legacy of Rev. William Henry Hechler
William Henry Hechler has been a forgotten figure in the story of the re-birth of the state of Israel. A Protestant pastor, he was gripped by a belief that God’s covenant with Israel had not changed. When he read Theodor Herzl’s book Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), Hechler befriended Herzl and then introduced him to the crown heads of Europe. Those conversations laid the relational groundwork for the first Zionist Congress in Basil, Switzerland in 1897. Watch the video to learn more!
What does leaving a legacy look like?
Members of this group join me in committing to the long-term planning and impact of Eagles’ Wings by making a Legacy Commitment through a bequest in their estate planning. In this way we will establish a strong fund that will help enable the vital mission of Eagles’ Wings to advance for generations to come.
Legacy Benefits
- With this FULLY CONFIDENTIAL service to you, establish your own personal estate plan FREE-OF-CHARGE, which typically costs hundreds and even thousands of dollars.
- エステートプランの一環として、遺言、信託、医療代理人を通じて、ご家族の将来を確保してください。
- ヘクスラー・レガシー・ソサエティ会員限定の「Eagles' Wings」ミニストリー・アップデートをお届けします。
- Eagles' Wingsの歴史的なミニストリー活動に参加し、永続的に支援することで、イスラエルと各国に永続的な遺産を残す。
Legacy Society Member Testimony
Start Leaving a Legacy Today!
Yes! I want to learn more about building a legacy plan for my family and the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Please contact me to help answer any questions and send my FREE downloadable Estate Planning Starter Guide now!