Robert Stearns & Teo Hayashi to Mobilize Leaders in Brazil on Behalf of Israel!

Robert Stearns & Teo Hayashi to Mobilize Leaders in Brazil on Behalf of Israel!

Robert is headed to Brazil! March 29 – April 8 he will be ministering throughout the nation with Dunamis Movement leader, Teo Hayashi, mobilizing leaders, pastors, young people, and tens of thousands believers on behalf of Israel.  

Right now, Brazil is in the process of moving its Embassy to Jerusalem which makes this journey all the more important.  It is critical that the people of Brazil understand the facts surrounding current events, the Scriptural basis for supporting Israel, and key strategies for getting involved.

Thank you for your prayers and support for Robert and the Dunamis Movement as they reach tens of thousands of believers, giving them an educated heart for God’s plans and purposes for Israel!

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