A Global Movement that is Transcending Denomination & Culture

As I prepare to write this week’s Global Update, I give pause to consider the influence that Eagles’ Wings is currently having worldwide. It just so happens that we recently highlighted the impact that Eagles’ Wings and Bishop Robert Stearns is having in Brazil. It is important to understand that Brazil is in the midst of a revival that is having deep and lasting results in the lives of individuals as well as churches…and standing in solidarity with this movement, is Eagles’ Wings.

I think it is important to mention that many ministries are ordained and groomed to meet a specific need within a denomination or a specific people group. Because of this, many ministries relate to individuals within a certain cultural setting. In other words, what works in Germany may not work in India, or what works in New Zealand may not work in Papua New Guinea. But a movement is something that transcends both denomination and culture. Thus is the calling of Eagles’ Wings.

As you are no doubt aware, Eagles’ Wings is well in the process of making a transition from a ministry to a Global Movement. This is only possible due to the message that is championed and heralded by our leader. I have personally watched pastors and leaders from countries throughout the world impacted, challenged, and changed by the ministry of Bishop Robert Stearns. I have also witnessed world leaders asking Bishop Stearns for clarity and understanding in regards to our Biblical mandate as believers. I am convinced that we have a world stage that Heaven has allowed us to grace.

Please give your attention to our Global Updates to both read and respond. Respond in prayer for the various upcoming events you will read about, respond in giving to help us continue to meet the challenge of the Global work, and respond in partnership with us to grow the organization. You can join us, along with Bishop Stearns, to make a difference in our world. Together we can see Christians joining hands and hearts to embrace G-d’s covenant Land and people.

Come join the Movement!


Pastor Joe Green
VP of Development
Eagles’ Wings / Israel Christian Nexus