Pastor Joe Green has been involved in significant Christian leadership for the past 30 years, and in the last five years has become increasingly involved in Jewish-Christian dialogue and cooperation in support of Israel.

He pastored a significant church in New England for nearly 25 years.  He has led teams of men and women on mission’s trips to countries like, El Salvador, Haiti, Europe and Russia to help build homes, feeding centers, and help the broken and hurting of the world.  He has been actively involved in preserving Biblical values through activism, speaking in public forums, and meeting with Senators, Congressman and Governors.

Joe also was the National Outreach Director for CBN’s Operation Blessing.  He traveled extensively throughout many of America’s largest cities establishing programs to help the “at risk” populations in need.  Through education, job training, nutrition programs, financial training and spiritual guidance, “City Reach” has seen incredible transformation in the lives of multitudes.

In 2010 Joe became involved with Jewish/Christian dialogue.  He became the first President of Rabbi’s and Ministers for Israel based in New England.  He went on to become the first non-Jew to sit on the Board of the American Friends of ALYN Hospital. Today he serves as a vital part of the Eagles’ Wings team specifically working in the area of Jewish-Christian relations.

Joe has his Master’s Degree in Biblical Theology and accomplishments include being an author, speaker and Commercial Pilot.

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