Israel Experience Students Serve with HaYovel

This past summer, the Israel Experience ( teamed up with HaYovel and served in vineyards in the hills of Samaria.  

Scripture says, “Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.” – Isaiah 61:5

Young adults from around the United States traveled on an adventure pilgrimage to Israel. During the trip, these young adults were impacted and shaped to be the leaders of tomorrow. Throughout the days in Israel, we could see them grow confident in their faith with a deeper understanding of the kingdom.

It was so awesome to hear the travelers themselves talk about how exciting it is to walk in and fulfill biblical prophecy. Together the group read prophetic scriptures like Isaiah 61:5 and then walked out onto the vineyard and begin dressing the vines. As they worked under the hot summer Israeli sun, all of a sudden the scripture became more real than they could have hoped or dreamed.

This trip is the young adult Israel trip that you want to be on! Right now, young adults are joining the trip and preparing to leave this June 2020. Please pray with us and for us as we connect the next generation to the roots of our Christian faith.