Fresh Fire in the Philippines!

For the past two years, Eagles’ Wings Team members from the Kairos School of Ministry (KSOM) have been traveling to the Philippines for strategic missions trips.

This year, missions team leader Mark Passarella spoke at the Fresh Fire Youth and Young adult conference in Cebu City. Hosting nearly 1000 youth and young adults from the three provinces of the country, this gathering was ushering in full-on revival to the region.

Anthony Salerno, EW team member, said about the conference, “At one point I stopped prayer ministry and as I looked around the room, I was overwhelmed by the power of His presence!”

The three days of the conference were packed with worship sessions, teaching times, prayer, and healing.

Also, during the trip the team ministered to the poor. People living in cities in the Philippines often are faced with an increased risk of poverty due to the lack of well-paid employment. Also, another of the main causes of poverty in the Philippines is the vulnerability to natural disasters. We ministered to many street kids along the waterfront of Cebu City.

Ian Crowe and the team prayed with many of the children and their families during our street outreach. These times were so important to the children. One of the workers who brought us to the street kids said, “I used to be a street kid like these little ones, and I remember people sharing a simple message of Jesus with me.” We know these moments with the little ones on the streets have the potential to have lasting impact in their lives for years to come.

Thank you for continuing to support the work of Eagles’ Wings that is happening in so many nations around the globe!