Eagles’ Wings began to progressively unfold in the early 1990’s, when Robert Stearns first lived in Jerusalem.
He began contemplating the connection between his own Christian faith and historic Judaism, and the relevance of that connection to current times and events. Seeing faith issues in a fresh way caused Robert to desire greater spiritual authenticity in his own life, and the Christian church as a whole.
Returning to America, Robert shared details of his transformational time in Jerusalem with his long-time mentor, Pastor Tommy Reid, and other friends. With Pastor Reid’s encouragement and assistance, Robert launched the first East Coast Leadership Conference in 1994, which was Eagles’ Wings’ first major national event. Since that time, the message and influence of Eagles’ Wings have grown exponentially around the world.
Robert has spoken and performed musically in over 40 nations around the world, in venues as diverse as the United Nations, Carnegie Hall, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the House of Lords in London. Robert’s books and Eagles’ Wings materials have been translated into dozens of languages, with writings featured by the New York Times, the Jerusalem Post, and many other media outlets.
We are a global movement advancing three biblical mandates:
Actively praying and working for a just and lasting peace for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants
Honoring Jerusalem
(Amos 9:11-15)
Jerusalem – There simply is no city on planet earth which commands the attention, hopes, prayers, and controversy that Jerusalem does. We believe, simply, that what happens in and to Jerusalem is vitally important to every person on the planet, whether they realize it or not. Sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, this city was all but abandoned 120 years ago, but today, it is full of people, prayers, and conflict.
Since 1994, Eagles Wings has brought over 20,000 pilgrims to Jerusalem, including students from 105 Universities through our “Christian Birthright” program. We help pilgrims understand and connect not only to Jerusalem’s archeological past, but her dynamic and amazing present.
Renewing Community
(Acts 2:42-47)
We believe that God is a God of Love for all people, and that loving God and loving people is the primary message of Jesus and the prophets.
We believe there is a vast difference between the teachings and practices of Jesus and the early church, and the model of what is commonly understood as the contemporary Christian church, especially in the West.
While deeply honoring today’s local church, both in word and practice, we seek to rediscover some level of what the covenantal community of the early church may have looked like.
Understanding the importance of honoring our heritage, we also believe that today’s church should be marked by extraordinary spiritual empowerment. We believe this should include strong and healthy relationships, care for the poor and oppressed, and loving and effective leadership.
Building Bridges
(Psalm 133)
In a world that is largely fractured and disconnected we see the urgent need to be ones who are engaged in “tikkun olam” (Hebrew: the repairing the world). Through fearless love and courageous dialogue, we seek to understand those who are different from us and to find places of shared common values to build upon.
We see in the scriptures that there is a blessing when God’s people dwell together in unity. Our desire is to find ways to do so while continuing to live out the values that we believe are central to our faith and spiritual vitality. As understanding becomes cooperation, the divides that have kept us apart are replaced by bridges of friendship that allow us to bring the hope and love that God gives, to the world.