Combating Anti-Semitism with Special Envoy from the White House
On May 28-29 in New York City, Eagles’ Wings, under the direction of Bishop Robert Stearns, took a giant step forward in the advancement of the organization from a Ministry to a Global Movement. The two-day event was marked by enthusiasm and vision as pastors and leaders gathered together with prominent Jewish leaders to continue the discussion regarding the calling and direction of Eagles’ Wings.
On Tuesday evening, May 28th, Rabbi Erica and Mark Gerson opened their home to almost fifty prominent individuals that included Special Envoy Elan Carr, who serves the White House in an office designed to counter Anti-Semitism. Both Special Envoy Carr and Bishop Robert Stearns, who have enjoyed a 20-plus year friendship, shared the platform for the evening, laying out a strategy for the future of Eagles’ Wings. Present in the audience for the evening were ranking Rabbis from the region, Jewish business leaders, as well as influential national Christian leaders. The evening ended with a strong sense of solidarity and friendship among all present with a mandate to seize the moment.
Special Envoy Carr said to the group present, “What Eagles’ Wings is doing, is absolutely crucial to the future success of our country.” Eagles’ Wings is not only a source of strength to the people and State of Israel but will have a lasting and positive effect against the current rise of Anti-Semitism that is growing nationally. Bishop Stearns made it very clear that this growing cancer will not go unchallenged… not on our watch!
Also joining us for the two-day event was Dr. Glenn Plummer and his wife, First Lady Pauline Plummer. Bishop Plummer has just been named as the Bishop of Israel for the largest African-American denomination in the world, The Church of God in Christ. We are thrilled to have Bishop Plummer joining us and look forward to his input and participation with Eagles’ Wings in the upcoming future. We are so grateful for the key leaders that the Lord has been bringing to stand with Bishop Stearns in the monumental work.
Mark Gerson then told the three dozen committed Christian pastors and leaders that “we (Jews) have never had friends in the past 5,000 years as we have now in the past 15 years in Evangelical Christians.” He went on to say that this is “truly a historic relationship.” The commitment level from all in the room seemed to move to a deeper and stronger place due to the sincere and heartfelt remarks made by Bishop Stearns, Special Envoy Carr, and Mark Gerson.
Bishop Stearns then called Mark Gerson to the platform and shared from Zechariah 8:23: “This is what the Lord of Hosts says, In those days, 10 men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” While this verse was being read, 10 pastors took hold of the garment (clothes) of Mark Gerson and prayer, tears, and grace flooded the room. It was a prophetic moment that none will soon forget.
It was agreed that this Fall, after the Awake Jerusalem event and another spectacular Millennial Pastors Trip to Israel, we will convene again and strategize for the upcoming year. The two-day event ended with a strong sense of purpose and direction… as well as excitement for the new journey. Eagles’ Wings has turned the corner and Global Ministry is now the mandate of Bishop Stearns and the organization.
I would be remiss at this point if I did not thank our partners throughout the United States and the world. Without your love, prayers, and support, none of this would be possible. Every prayer, tear, and dollar sown into this movement is deeply appreciated and encourages us all to push forward and continue this important and prophetic work.[/vc_column_text]
Blessings and Shalom!
Pastor Joe Green
Sr. Vice President of Development
Eagles’ Wings/ Israel Christian Nexus