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About Maryland Celebrates Israel
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Join us Sunday, March 17th at 6:00 pm as Christians from the faith community in the Annapolis, Maryland area come together for Maryland Celebrates Israel at a Location to be Determined. Eagles’ Wings and Dr. Gary Kellner will host this powerful night of solidarity with the Jewish people and a wonderful celebration of the nation of Israel!
Israel is facing many challenges in the world right now, and the community of faith in the region will join together to declare our love and support for Israel and the Jewish people. Please mark your calendar right now and plan to join us for this wonderful evening!
In this moment in Israel’s history, you do not want to miss this opportunity to add your voice to those of others in this region expressing our love and support for Israel and the Jewish people!
This promises to be an exciting night, with many leaders and members of the Jewish community present as our special guests. Speakers and guests will include representatives from Israel, as well as civic leaders from the region. The evening is free and open to the public, and a special offering will be taken for Israel.
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: To Be Determined
 Make sure your church is participating!
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Speakers & Special Guests
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_imagebox show_as=”column” column=”5″ padding=”5″][mk_imagebox_item item_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/robert-stearns_300x300.jpg” image_padding=”false” item_title=”Bishop Robert Stearns” title_font_weight=”600″]Robert Stearns is widely recognized as a visionary leader, compelling communicator, gifted strategist, and influential bridge builder. He is the founder and executive director of Eagles’ Wings, a global movement of churches, ministries, and leaders. Eagles’ Wings is involved in a variety of strategic projects around the world, with a unique emphasis on interfaith dialogue and humanitarian care. Robert’s life flows out of deep commitment to Jesus that is characterized by a distinct prophetic edge. A noted author, world-class musician, and highly sought after public speaker, his written works have been translated into 8 languages, his music is appreciated around the world, and he has ministered in over thirty nations while maintaining a distinct focus on Israel.[/mk_imagebox_item][mk_imagebox_item item_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/dr-gary-kellner_300x300.jpg” image_padding=”false” item_title=”Dr. Gary Kellner” title_font_weight=”600″]Obissit dolut dolecus rem voluptatas eturi volupta est, quationest, voleseque ditibeatur, officii ssecus, nos autemquod eaque isi corest, volum que net quiatia dignimodio blander natur, veleni dem ulliquam qui officate dis volo qui dolecae rspicipsum doluptae endelit ut et autemqui con nonsentis explaborat. Aliquiat omnimus apis id quiat arci aceptat aectemporem acientus, officipient repudandias aut rerciat quidel id ut la vernam rerro te nos natem. Solorem nam, se as mo omnitatustia nimusci debitatem consequ asperiat enim eatis sit, in conempel il mo mos prorepe rfercias in perchil iquidem que simus molestis eari diae comnim aboreperum nus doleseq uosamust volorem aut arumque nonsequat.[/mk_imagebox_item][mk_imagebox_item item_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/male-icon_300x300.jpg” image_padding=”false” item_title=”Speaker to be Announced” title_font_weight=”600″]Obissit dolut dolecus rem voluptatas eturi volupta est, quationest, voleseque ditibeatur, officii ssecus, nos autemquod eaque isi corest, volum que net quiatia dignimodio blander natur, veleni dem ulliquam qui officate dis volo qui dolecae rspicipsum doluptae endelit ut et autemqui con nonsentis explaborat. Aliquiat omnimus apis id quiat arci aceptat aectemporem acientus, officipient repudandias aut rerciat quidel id ut la vernam rerro te nos natem. Solorem nam, se as mo omnitatustia nimusci debitatem consequ asperiat enim eatis sit, in conempel il mo mos prorepe rfercias in perchil iquidem que simus molestis eari diae comnim aboreperum nus doleseq uosamust volorem aut arumque nonsequat.[/mk_imagebox_item][mk_imagebox_item item_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/female-icon_300x300.jpg” image_padding=”false” item_title=”Speaker to be Announced” title_font_weight=”600″]Obissit dolut dolecus rem voluptatas eturi volupta est, quationest, voleseque ditibeatur, officii ssecus, nos autemquod eaque isi corest, volum que net quiatia dignimodio blander natur, veleni dem ulliquam qui officate dis volo qui dolecae rspicipsum doluptae endelit ut et autemqui con nonsentis explaborat. Aliquiat omnimus apis id quiat arci aceptat aectemporem acientus, officipient repudandias aut rerciat quidel id ut la vernam rerro te nos natem. Solorem nam, se as mo omnitatustia nimusci debitatem consequ asperiat enim eatis sit, in conempel il mo mos prorepe rfercias in perchil iquidem que simus molestis eari diae comnim aboreperum nus doleseq uosamust volorem aut arumque nonsequat.[/mk_imagebox_item][mk_imagebox_item item_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/male-icon_300x300.jpg” image_padding=”false” item_title=”Speaker to be Announced” title_font_weight=”600″]Obissit dolut dolecus rem voluptatas eturi volupta est, quationest, voleseque ditibeatur, officii ssecus, nos autemquod eaque isi corest, volum que net quiatia dignimodio blander natur, veleni dem ulliquam qui officate dis volo qui dolecae rspicipsum doluptae endelit ut et autemqui con nonsentis explaborat. Aliquiat omnimus apis id quiat arci aceptat aectemporem acientus, officipient repudandias aut rerciat quidel id ut la vernam rerro te nos natem. Solorem nam, se as mo omnitatustia nimusci debitatem consequ asperiat enim eatis sit, in conempel il mo mos prorepe rfercias in perchil iquidem que simus molestis eari diae comnim aboreperum nus doleseq uosamust volorem aut arumque nonsequat.[/mk_imagebox_item][/mk_imagebox][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section bg_color=”#a18f66″ js_vertical_centered=”true” padding_top=”75″ padding_bottom=”75″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row fullwidth=”true” fullwidth_content=”false” parallax=”content-moving” parallax_speed_bg=”1.3″ css=”.vc_custom_1523728511799{padding-top: 75px !important;padding-right: 5% !important;padding-bottom: 75px !important;padding-left: 5% !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column][mk_fancy_title color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”15″ margin_bottom=”6″ font_family=”none” align=”center” responsive_align=”left”]
Event Details
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There is no charge for the event. An offering will be received to feed the poor in Israel.
No childcare is provided, but older children are encouraged to attend.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_fancy_title color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”16″ font_family=”none” responsive_align=”left”]
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_contact_info title=”Location to be Determined”][mk_contact_info title=”Our Office” phone=”1-800-519-4647″ address=”PO Box 450 Clarence, NY 14031″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section bg_image=”https://eagleswings.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ew-contact-israel-aerial-city-night-header-1.jpg” bg_position=”center center” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_stretch=”true” enable_3d=”true” speed_factor=”0.5″ min_height=”0″ js_vertical_centered=”true” padding_top=”75″ padding_bottom=”54″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][mk_fancy_title color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none” responsive_align=”left”]
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Get in touch with us in the form below, and our team will reach out to you as soon as possible!
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