One of the most powerful characteristics of the Eagle is its laser-sharp vision and ability to remain focused in a variety of circumstances.
As I think of the vision of Bishop Robert Stearns and the Eagles’ Wings Team, I am aware that for nearly three decades they have forged ahead with the original vision and resisted the temptation to deviate from it. Regardless of trends or fads, the vision was clear, the course was set, and the goal was attainable.
Consequentially, the growth and potential influence of Eagles’ Wings throughout the world has been nothing short of exponential. When one considers the budding and growing efforts of the Millennial Pastors Trip and the influence that these events are having on the multitudes, we are reminded again that the vision has remained focused. Celebrate Israel events in America’s largest cities, the Watchmen on the Wall Seminars, Awake Jerusalem events, Ministry in countries around the world, Abraham’s Bread Feeding Centers in Tiberias and Jerusalem, and much more… all growing and helping to change the narrative concerning Israel.
Those of us in the Development Department are already busy planning for the upcoming year of 2020. Bishop Stearns has challenged us all to new heights and fresh ideas, all the while maintaining the original vision. Not an easy task, but then anything worthwhile is never easy. We will continue our tireless efforts on behalf of the nation of Israel and of course, the global evangelical Christian community, to be a beacon of light in a dark and rapidly changing world.
Of course, all of our efforts and successes could never have been realized without the strong support from our partners. We at Eagles’ Wings are reminded daily of the relationship we enjoy with many of you our friends, and that anything we might accomplish, we do so because of that kindness and generous support.
We trust you enjoy reading these Global Updates as much as we enjoy bringing them to you. Please drop us an email and let us know your thoughts. On behalf of Bishop Robert Stearns and the entire Eagles’ Wings Team, thank you for doing your part to see this amazing vision continue into another decade.
Blessings and Shalom!
Pastor Joe Green
Sr. Vice President of Development
Eagles’ Wings/ Israel Christian Nexus