Our Eagles’ Wings partners are making it possible to equip passionate young leaders like Nimshi to be kingdom leaders.
Nimshi is a young adult in his 20’s who is training for ministry leadership in New Delhi, India. He is part of a ministry school and is growing daily in his practical skills and in his calling as a worship leader.
This month, Eagles’ Wings partnered with Ray William and Face to Face Foundation based in Bangalore and New Delhi. Through live online classes we were able to equip dozens and dozens of rising Christian leaders who are training for ministry in the nation of India.
  Above: Mark and Gabi Passarella teaching more than 40 aspiring leaders in New Delhi, India.
Nimshi was a participant in that program. He shared about how these equipping sessions were challenging him to grow more in confidence, and to see himself as a leader who actively cares for those around him. As he was sharing in the mentor session, we could feel how much compassion he has for people around him, and the difference he wants to make in the world.
This opportunity in India is part of a developing new sphere of ministry as Eagles’ Wings is growing its influence in Asia in this season. We’re praying that “from the Great Wall of China to the Western Wall in Jerusalem”, there will arise a new breed of Christians who have their eyes and hearts set on Israel!
Our team is currently working on getting resources translated into several languages, including Japanese and Korean. Please be praying as we work diligently together to get more resources translated into other languages, and as we continue to equip leaders with God’s heart.