Tens of Thousands in Brazil Awakened for Israel

Tens of Thousands in Brazil Awakened for Israel!

The air was electric with tens of thousands cheering, shouting, and celebrating. This was the scene as Bishop Stearns walked onto the stage at National Stadium in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil. This was just one of three locations for an event, The Send Brazil, a gathering of over 150,000 Christians across three stadiums. Bishop had been asked by Pastor Teo Hayashi, the organizer of this event, to fly down and address this global gathering.

Even in the midst of pouring rain, the stadium pulsed with the energy of a rock concert as many, primarily young people came hungry to celebrate their faith and make a difference in the world.

Bishop Robert began by reminding the church in Brazil of the source of their spiritual heritage. He said, “We love the Bible. All the characters in the Bible we love like Jesus, the Apostle Paul. What do they have in common? They are Jews. We stand on the foundation of God’s covenant with the Jewish people.”

I am here to draw a line in the spirit from Brasilia to Jerusalem… We are declaring today that the church in Brazil will not forget Israel. The church in Brazil will stand against anti-Semitism and hate. This revival will forever stand with Israel!

I am here to draw a line in the spirit from Brasilia to Jerusalem… We are declaring today that the church in Brazil will not forget Israel. The church in Brazil will stand against anti-Semitism and hate. This revival will forever stand with Israel! He declared, “I am here to draw a line in the spirit from Brasilia to Jerusalem… We are declaring today that the church in Brazil will not forget Israel. The church in Brazil will stand against anti-Semitism and hate. This revival will forever stand with Israel!” As he concluded he blew the shofar three times and the crowd erupted in shouts.

Shortly after Bishop’s speech, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, took to the platform to thank the Christians gathered for the blessing they are to the nation. President Bolsonaro has also been strategic in advancing Brazil’s support for Israel, and efforts to relocate the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem.

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, took to the platform to thank the Christians gathered for the blessing they are to the nation.

The following day Bishop preached at Comunidade da Naçoes (Community of the Nations Church), led by Bishop JB Carvalho. The main congregation, where Bishop spoke, numbers several thousand and has also planted 25 more churches across Brazil and in the United States. As Bishop concluded his remarks, he presented Bishop Carvalho the same shofar he had blown in the stadium the day before. He said, “This church is going to be ones that sound a clear call to God’s purposes for Brazil and Israel.” Then he blew the shofar and the church erupted in shouts of joy.

As Bishop concluded his remarks, he presented Bishop Carvalho the same shofar he had blown in the stadium the day before.

Following the service, a crowd formed outside the church to have Bishop Robert sign copies of his book O Grito de Mordecai (Cry of Mordecai) which was recently translated into Portuguese.

It is clear that the nation of Brazil has opened to Eagles’ Wings and to this message about Israel as never before, and as amazing as this weekend was, it is just the beginning of what God is going to do!

A crowd formed outside the church to have Bishop Robert sign copies of his book O Grito de Mordecai (Cry of Mordecai) which was recently translated into Portuguese.
Bishop preached at Comunidade da Naçoes (Community of the Nations Church), led by Bishop JB Carvalho.

Bishop Robert Stearns declared, “We are declaring today that the church in Brazil will not forget Israel. The church in Brazil will stand against anti-Semitism and hate. This revival will forever stand with Israel!” As he concluded he blew the shofar three times and the crowd erupted in shouts.
The Send Brazil