Will young people put their trust in God?

Erika came to Eagles’ Wings and went through all 3 years at the Kairos School of Ministry. As a young adult, Erika deepened her faith in God through this “Apostolic Apprenticeship” that is, Kairos School of Ministry.

A major testimony that Erika shares about her time at KSOM is how she grew in her understanding of who God is and how faithful He is. “I’ve fallen more in love with Jesus because I’ve seen his faithfulness, and that He is there for me” Listen to her 1-minute testimony about how God met her in this important time of her life as a young adult.

Coming soon the Kairos School of Ministry students along with Eagles’ Wings team members will be ministering at a youth conference in Pennsylvania. So many young people get introduced to KSOM at these types of events.

This October you can join the Kairos School of Ministry and be a guest at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat Center for this year’s Youth Explosion Conference. We want to invite you and your teenager to join us for another weekend on the mountain, October 26-28.

If you’re reading this post and it’s past the event, please click on the link below for more information. Be sure to sign up for updates so we can send you free teachings and let you know of upcoming events as well.