

The existence of the Jewish people throughout history is an account of constant adverse threats and persecution. In antisemitic plots that are as old as Pharaoh and Haman, Israel has


This week on the biblical calendar we celebrate Shavuot and Pentecost, as we remember and honor the giving of the Law (the Torah) at Mount Sinai, as well as the


Pesach (Passover) is here once again – a joyous time of remembrance and celebration, reflecting on God’s faithfulness to His people through the centuries. In our reading of scriptures surrounding


In this year that marks the upcoming 75th anniversary of the modern state of Israel, the biblical history of the Promised Land sets the stage for a glorious re-telling of


In 17th century England, a minister named John Bunyan, while in prison for preaching illegally, began his written allegory entitled The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World, to That Which Is


Are you afraid of the dark? When my sons were much younger, I became well aware of the need to turn on the night light before sending them to bed,


As we move ever closer to the culmination of global events, in a season of time referred to repeatedly in scripture as the Day of the Lord, we are thankfully


Everything in our society, it seems, is geared to the here and now. Every whim and desire known to man is available online through the quick use of your credit